Wednesday 28 January 2015

Research into freeze fram credit titles

 I got some inspiration for my film titles from the film train spotting. They use the freeze frame effect vey well and while watching it I felt like it would be something that I should incorporate in my film.

Here is the film trainspotting:

Thursday 22 January 2015

HUGO Advertisement Poster

This is my advertising poster for my film, HUGO.

Please note that the reviews aren't official but in my opinion very accurate!

How I have made my Video (Audio)

This is how I made the audio of my film allot better and at a higher quality.

The DOR that I used was Logic ProX. I used this as I am very familiar with it as I use it at school in my music technology lessons. So this task wasn't to strenuous for me as I knew how everything worked and where everything was.

The first step in editing the audio was to extract all the audio from the video. After that I then imported it all into Logic. Next I split the clips up for all the different surroundings e.g. Outdoor, bedroom, kitchen etc... After that I could now EQ the Audio tracks.

EQ modulator

For the EQ I used the analyser to show where the main body of the frequency's sat. I then did a Filter sweep to find any outlying frequency's that I needed to cut out. This would make the sound allot clearer and tighter. I then did a brick wall to the low frequency's to remove allot of the muddy sounds that I didn't need and finally a high cut to make the audio sound les 'trashy'.


For the compression I Reduced the compressor threshold so that the dynamic range is reduced. This would allow me to normalize the track to make the audio sound more stable and clearer to hear. I increases the ratio for the same reasons and decreased the attack and release as this is a compression for speech not music.


Finally I added an adaptive limiter so I am able to increase the gain but make sure the track doesn't clip over 0.0. db.

Here is what my finished mixer looked like:

Then I finally exported the track and mastered it. Then replaced the old audio with the new one.
I didn't do anything to the music in my track as it has already been mastered so there was no need for me to edit it.

Character profile: Stanley

This is Stanley, one of the less intelligent specimens on this planet. But he always somehow works his way in your heart. Oh who am I kidding... he is an absolute dork! Stanley is that kid that sits on his own at lunch, he's the one whose picked last in P.E, he's the kid who manages to get super powers from the island and save the day by killing the bad guys.

oh that last bit? yea that happens but don't worry ill explain.

The way I came up with the character Stanley is that I needed someone to be the hero in my film. And it was just too boring if it was someone else as it would be too predictable. So I need to make an underdog. And who doesn't like routing for an underdog in films? So Stanley was perfect. I decided it will be him who secretly discovers the islands powers and is a complete badass with these powers. Although, his stupidity can make for an interesting light show...


Monday 19 January 2015

Why the delay?

the reason behind me not uploading my finished video yet is not because I'm slacking, its because I haven't had any internet at home for the last 3 days. Hopefully it will be back on tonight so I can upload it and show it to everyone.

Sorry for the delay :)

Friday 16 January 2015

What I have left to do...

As of today I still need to:

  • Show how my idea has evolved DONE!
  • audience research DONE!
  • How I made my video DONE!
  • finish recording and editing the video DONE!
  • Stanley's character profile DONE!
  • Viewers reaction and comments to video

Wednesday 14 January 2015

How I made my film opening animation (coursework)

To make my small animation I used adobe after effects CC and this did take a while to get to grips with but in this post I'll be showing you exactly how I managed to get my text animation completed.

Step 1)
First things first you want to open up the 'animation workspace' and then you want to create a new composition. After that your screen should look like this:

step 2)

Next you will need to create the piece of text you want to animate. You should then get a Text interface open up on the right
Step 3)
Now right-click on the text and select Animate text and then what ever type of animation you would like. In this instance I used position but you can choose what ever you like.
Step 4)
Now you want to click on the little clock located to the left of the type of the animation you are doing. But first position your text where you want the animation to start from. You should then get a little yellow diamond appear in your timeline. This is the point where the animation will start from. you can move it by clicking and dragging it along.
Step 5) Now finally move your timeline cursor to where you want the animation to finish at. Then go back to the animation controls and move them to what you want the animation to finish as. Again a small yellow diamond will appear and that will signal the end of the animation.
And there you have it! just export it and your done. maybe try adding some pictures or multiple
effects or some music to make it seem very professional.

My Magazine Review

I decided to make a 2 page spread review of Dawn of the planet of the apes because I had some free time. Here it is!


Thursday 8 January 2015

To do list for film day.

List of things needed to be recorded on film day,

At the house:
  • Zooming Shot of the house.
  • Alarm sound.
  • all of Hugo shots in house
  • shots of the door.
  • the zoom into the phone.
  • pictures during recording
  • Vlog
  • Target audience
  • screenshot the face time buttons
At riverside:
  • Pictures of the recording process
  • Vlog
  • walking along river shot (selfie)
  • Bench shots
  • Stanley steal the camera shot
  • across the river shot
  • video on ipad of ken selfie (not essential) as it can be mapped in.

Target Audience for Hugo Film

The Hangover (2009) PosterI have aimed my film towards the people who like to see comedy and adventure in a movie. The feeling that I want to give to the audience is that I want them to get really engrossed in the film and hopefully on the edge of their seat. In other adventure and action films when it gets the climatic point there would be an explosion or a gunshot occurs. But with my film I want to drop a witty joke or a act of stupidity to blow their cover. This is because I want the audience to get a small reality check because at the end of the day the characters are only teenagers on an island full of killers and mystic runes. They aren't going to just become super-heroes over night so by making the film funny at these important times I think it will also make the film more believable and relatable to the audience, plus it will give them a laugh at the same time.

A good film as and example of this is the Hangover. They have a character called Alan and he is the dopey and clumsy on from the lot who does exactly what I want to do in my film. Be stupid and funny at the same time.
I would also have to rate the film as a 15 certificate film because I would indented to include violence, drugs, dangerous behavior and use of strong language.

The intended place to watch my film is in the cinema and after it has left the cinema I would want it to be on DVD and online streaming services. so people can enjoy it whenever they want to as its a great film to watch in groups as they can all usually relate to one of the characters.