Wednesday 19 November 2014

TOP 10 Most Essential Film Crew Members

Ever wondered what all those names at the end of the film whizzing up the screen meant? or who they are and what they do?

well In this Post ill be showing you some of the most important crew members and what they actually do.


TOP 10 Most Essential Film Crew Members!

George Lucas, A very successful
film producer.
The Producer This is a hard role to define because there are so many different aspects to being a producer and each Producer is different (especially when it comes to making a short film). But, put simply, film Producers prepare and then supervise the making of a film before presenting the product to a financing entity or a film distributor
The Production Managers
 Association (PMA)

Production Manager – organises everything and everyone on set. Production Managers are the key to any smooth running production. Production Management calls on a variety of skills from budgeting and scheduling to managing crews.
Film shooting on location in
Downtown Los Angeles
Location Manager – The location manager is a member of the film crew responsible for the finding and securing locations to be used, obtaining all needed fire, police and other governmental permits, and coordinating the logistics involved for the production to successfully complete its necessary work. They are also the face of the production to the community and responsible for addressing the issues that may arise due to the production's impact on the community.

A modern way that film is edited

Editor – film or video editor are responsible for assembling recorded raw material into a finished product that's suitable for broadcasting. The material may include camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special effects. This is a key role in the post-production process and their skills can determine the quality and delivery of the final product.

An example of costume and
 make-up put to good use

Costume Designer – designs, purchases, and manages costumes
Hair/Makeup Designer – designs, and usually executes, hair and makeup

A camera operator at work

 The camera operator- they are responsible for physically operating the camera and maintaining composition and camera angles throughout a given scene or shot. In narrative filmmaking, the camera operator will collaborate with the director, director of photography, actors and crew to make technical and creative decisions.

Combined boom operator/mixer
 holding in a rest position.
The boom operator- They are the assistant of the production sound mixer. The principal responsibility of the boom operator is microphone placement, usually using a boom pole (or "fishpole") with a microphone attached to the end, their aim being to hold the microphone as close to the actors or action as possible without allowing the microphone or boom to enter the camera's frame.

A sound mixer mixing real time audio
sound mixer- They are responsible for recording all sound on set during the filmmaking or television production they can be used for later inclusion in the finished product, or for reference to be used by the sound designers or sound effects editors. This requires choice and deployment of microphones, choice of recording media, and mixing of audio signals in real time.

10)..... you don't need a 10 with these nine roles you can make a fantastic film already. the 10th and 11th and 12th etc... are all just add-ons and if you don't need them DONT HAVE THEM!
And there you have it! All the important roles in film making. JOB DONE. If you pardon the pun

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