Thursday 8 January 2015

Target Audience for Hugo Film

The Hangover (2009) PosterI have aimed my film towards the people who like to see comedy and adventure in a movie. The feeling that I want to give to the audience is that I want them to get really engrossed in the film and hopefully on the edge of their seat. In other adventure and action films when it gets the climatic point there would be an explosion or a gunshot occurs. But with my film I want to drop a witty joke or a act of stupidity to blow their cover. This is because I want the audience to get a small reality check because at the end of the day the characters are only teenagers on an island full of killers and mystic runes. They aren't going to just become super-heroes over night so by making the film funny at these important times I think it will also make the film more believable and relatable to the audience, plus it will give them a laugh at the same time.

A good film as and example of this is the Hangover. They have a character called Alan and he is the dopey and clumsy on from the lot who does exactly what I want to do in my film. Be stupid and funny at the same time.
I would also have to rate the film as a 15 certificate film because I would indented to include violence, drugs, dangerous behavior and use of strong language.

The intended place to watch my film is in the cinema and after it has left the cinema I would want it to be on DVD and online streaming services. so people can enjoy it whenever they want to as its a great film to watch in groups as they can all usually relate to one of the characters.

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