Wednesday 17 December 2014

Course work chnages 17/12/12

I Have made some changes regarding the script and storyboard for my film.

  1. The script changes make Stanley and ken fight instead of talk
  2. there is a new long shot added in to show the argument on a large scale and to emphasis how stupid they are.

I made these changes as I thought that it would show the audience how much ken really does change in the rest of the film. I did this because when ken becomes friends with Stanley the audience can now look back on this and compare it to then and really see how far ken has came in his journey for finding who he really is on the island.

HUGO Script version 3 (Final version)



*Alarm Buzzing*
*grunts and tired noises*
Hugo's Mum
Hugo? Are you up?
*With sudden panic in an ill voice *
Ye, yes mum...
Hugo's Mum
Hugo? What's up?... if you are trying to tell me your ill again then so be it because i'm late for work. So just promise me you're not lying today. ok?
I'm not honestly.
Hugo's Mum
Ok see you later then

*Hugo sits straight up from his bed and excitedly runs out of his bedroom down the stairs and starts making breakfast with the radio on. He then rings Ken*

Hugo? Where are you?
at home why? you said we were meeting at 9:00
 *Hugo turn off the radio*

*In shock and anger*
NO! I said we are getting the ferry at 9:00! Hurry up!

Ok ok ill be there in 10 just... make sure you wait for me

*Hugo put phone on speaker and in a panic eating breakfast and getting dressed*

Oh and Hugo Stanley is here too...
*With horror*


*Murmured because Hugo is cleaning his teeth*
Nooooooo why is he there?


 Hugo Just hurry up please I don't think ill be able to stay here
for much longer on my own

*Ken and Stanley are sitting at a bench*

can I have my phone back now Stanley



what? give it here!

I don't want to

Give it here!

*Fighting noises go on*

Hugo hurry up I cant take this much longer

I'm now coming don't worry just don't leave....

*Hugo Leaves the front door with his phone in hand and title screen appears*


Storyboard (Coursework)

Full storyboard
shots 1-6
shots 7-12

shots 13-17

shots 18-23

Auditions (Coursework)

This is me auditioning Jack (right) and zef (Left) for the parts of Hugo and Ken. I asked them to perform a short part from the 1st version of the script and I really think that they were very good. Especially with jack's emphasis on the Nooo.

Ken (Character Profile)

Meet Ken, he's the type of guy that we all know and love. He disguises  himself to be a rebel like Hugo but inside he knows that the only reason that he is doing this is because he is afraid. He's afraid that he might loose his only friend in Hugo if he doesn't copy him and does what he says. No one knows this side to ken and he try's his best to hide it by picking on the little guy even though he hates himself while doing it.

Throughout the film Ken can no longer keep up the charade and becomes good friends with Stanley and Jamie. He shows his softer side to them and helps them out in some sticky situations. Hugo finds out eventually and this is one of the ways that Hugo realises that he needs to change and become a better person like Ken, so they can all leave not just as class mates but as friends.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Props And Costumes styles

Kens Clothes syle

IPad for face time

IPhone for alarm in the Morning

Hugo's clothes style When getting out of bed
Toothbrush for Hugo to clean his teeth

Hugo's clothes style after dressed

Tuesday 9 December 2014

New and improved Hugo Script (coursework)



*Alarm Buzzing*
*grunts and tired noises*
Hugo's Mum
Hugo? Are you up?
*With sudden panic in an ill voice *
Ye, yes mum...
Hugo's Mum
Hugo? What's up?... if you are trying to tell me your ill again then so be it because i'm late for work. So just promise me you're not lying today. ok?
I'm not honestly.
Hugo's Mum
Ok see you later then

*Hugo sits straight up from his bed and excitedly runs out of his bedroom down the stairs and starts making breakfast with the radio on. He then face time Ken*

Hugo? Where are you?
at home why? you said we were meeting at 9:00
 *Hugo turn off the radio*

*In shock and anger*
NO! I said we are getting the ferry at 9:00! Hurry up!

*Looks at the clock*
Ok ok ill be there in 10 just... make sure you wait for me

*Hugo puts phone on speaker and places it on the side and in a panic eating breakfast and getting dressed*

Oh and Hugo Stanley is here too...
*With horror*

*Turns the camera around to reveal his face*

*Ken Interrupts Stanley*
Shut up Stanley just leave the camera on me. Hugo Just hurry up please
I don't think ill be able to stay here for much longer on my own
*Murmured because Hugo is cleaning his teeth*
ok i'm going as fast as I can
Back at the river

*Ken and Stanley are sitting at a bench*

 Ur..why are you here exactly anyway Stanley shouldn't you be at school?


What? why not? what will your mum say when she finds out?

I already asked her she said something like "as long as I don't get in her way she doesn't care"
so I followed you here when I saw you weren't going to school.

I see.. Ur Hugo? Please hurry up. please..

I'm now coming don't worry just don't leave....

*Hugo Leaves the front door with his phone in hand and title screen appears*


Monday 8 December 2014

Character Profile:HUGO


HUGO played by Jack Kemp

Hugo is a mischievous 17 year old teenage boy who attends Wymondham high sixth form and absolutely detests it. He seems to have the mind-set that he is king and nobody can tell him what he can do and if they even dare to try he will make sure it won't happen again. He once was excluded from school after allegedly sawing another pupils ear off after they wouldn't listen to him. Well at least that's how he says it happened...

Hugo experiences a life changing experience on the island, and while going through these frightful and dangerous times he discovers allot more about the himself and the world around him. He starts to learn that he cannot judge people by how they appear but instead to learn from them and make himself a better person. This is shown when his life is saved by Stanley and after all the stick he had given Stanley over the years he still was shown mercy by his fellow classmate.

After Hugo returns home he starts to put into place his new teachings and becomes head of his schools council. He starts to make the school a better place and his left hand man is Stanley. And although he doesn't like to admit it he knows he owes a hell of allot to that boy.

Coursework Changes 9/12/14

These are some changes that I will be doing to my script and how it will be film.

  1. Stanley will no longer have any lines apart from Hi... and then he gets interrupted by ken.
  2. There will be more screen time of Hugo getting dressed and panicking before Stanley comes in

Also instead of it being a phone call to ken it will now be face time. The camera will focus on Hugo's phone displaying ken on it. It will then zoom into the phone and will transform as if you are looking at ken from his phones point of view. it then will vary from Hugo's house to Hugo's phone to ken afterwards.

Friday 5 December 2014

Script For Hugo (Coursework)



*Alarm Buzzing*
*grunts and tired noises*
Hugo's Mum
Hugo? Are you up?
*With sudden panic in an ill voice *
Ye, yes mum...
Hugo's Mum
Hugo? What's up?... if you are trying to tell me your ill again then so be it because i'm late for work. So just promise me you're not lying today. ok?
I'm not honestly.
Hugo's Mum
Ok see you later then

*Hugo sits straight up from his bed and excitedly runs out of his bedroom down the stairs and starts making breakfast with the radio on. He then rings Ken*

Hugo? Where are you?
at home why? you said we were meeting at 9:00
 *Hugo turn off the radio*

*In shock and anger*
NO! I said we are getting the ferry at 9:00! Hurry up!

Ok ok ill be there in 10 just... make sure you wait for me

*Hugo put phone on speaker and in a panic eating breakfast and getting dressed*

Oh and Hugo Stanley is here too...
*With horror*


*Murmured because Hugo is cleaning his teeth*
Nooooooo why is he there?

Because ships are fun and fun is fun so I go to the ships. Don't you see
Hugo it quite simple really when yo..

*Ken Interrupts Stanley*
Shut up. Hugo Just hurry up please I don't think ill be able to stay here
for much longer on my own


*Ken and Stanley are sitting at a bench*

 Ur..why are you here exactly anyway Stanley shouldn't you be at school?


What? why not? what will your mum say when she finds out?

I already asked her she said something like "as long as I don't get in her she doesn't care"
so I followed you here when I saw you weren't going to school.

*Hugo looks at the phone surprised*

I see.. Ur Hugo? Please hurry up. please..

I'm now coming don't worry just don't leave....

*Hugo Leaves the front door with his phone in hand and title screen appears*


Wednesday 3 December 2014

HUGO opening 2 minutes AND Location


Film Name: HUGO

Genre: Comedy/Action

Main Cast list:

  • Hugo-Main Character
  • Ken- Hugo's Mate
  • Stanley-Dweeby kid bit odd
  • Jamie- know-it-all girl from school
  • Emanuel-Maniac Island ruler

The opening 2 minutes-

Hugo wakes up to the sound of his Alarm. This is then followed by his mum knocking on his bedroom door to see if he is awake. Hugo then clearly to the audience pretends he is ill to stay home from school knowing his mum is late for work and she is not in the mood for a morning dispute. So she just goes along with it and goes to work.

As soon as she leaves Hugo run down the stairs to the phone and calls his friend Ken. To Hugo's surprise the split screen reveals that ken is already at the place where the two have planned to meet. So this automatically rushes Hugo into a frenzy to leave while Still on speaker to Ken. While in the panic Ken announces that Stanley is there too, Hugo doesn't understand why and neither does ken but its revealed by Stanley who's voice can be heard in the background The Scene ends as Hugo leaves his house and slams the door. And with the sound of the door being slammed shut comes a quick heavy drum roll and reveals the films name HUGO.

HUGO's House

Riverside -Norwich (place where ken is)

The reasoning for choosing these locations is that the house is my own house, So it is easily accessible and I do not need to ask for permission before using it. One of the main reasons I wanted to use this house is because it has a straight staircase that is perfect for a shot of Hugo coming down the stairs when running to the phone. The house is also a common sized house so it suggests Hugo is not a rich or poor character straight away. This helps me try to get the audience to relate to Hugo and create a bond with him.

The reason I chose riverside is because its accessible, it looks very much like typical Norwich and where kids would be if they weren't at school. It also has a river which gives it a calmer peaceful look because after all the kids should be at school, so there should be less people out and about to make the streets look busy.