Thursday 9 October 2014

2 minute opening to feature films analysis (Coursework Research)

In the opening of a feature film I would expect it to show some of the main characters, set the genre of the film and to give us as the audience a slight insight to what is coming up in the rest of the film. Well, that's what I thought until I paid closer attention to the opening two minutes when I realised that this is not always the case. In actual fact not much of what I thought would happen doesn't really happen at all! In this post I will be analysing 3 feature film openings and 3 student film openings these are:

Feature Films
Dark Night Rises
The plot of the film is only touched slightly in the opening two minutes. But what we can get from it is that there is a group of what I assume to be terrorists on a plane and they are being threatened to talk and give away some information. The real importance of the scene starts when the person with the mask is revealed.
This is clearly a significant character in the film because you can see the other mans reaction to who he has found under the bag on his head. And the only other important character that there seems to be is the ring leader of the people questioning the terrorists.
There is plenty of dialogue in the scene and it is used to show panic as the man is shouting and it also informs us on the situation at hand. The other significant dialogue used its when the man with the mask starts talking and says" Perhaps they are wondering why you are shooting them before you push them off the plane?" this shows the audience that he is a clever and experienced man in this field and should not be messed with.
    Pokémon the movie

 The plot of the film in this opening scene is not revealed at all. The only thing that we can get from it is that Ash from Pallet Town is a Pokémon trainer and must be a good one too because a random man says he is looking for him to battle against. This means that he must be respected around this area and he is well known.
All of the key characters are revealed in this opening two minutes at some point although the only one you hear is Ash. Most of the well know Pokémon are shown too in a huge battle against this traveller and of course, Ash wins.
There is not much dialogue in this scene at all apart from in the first 30 seconds when the two trainers meet. The rest is non-diegetic music. This is the theme song to Pokémon and it plays over the battle.
Lion King
The opening scene of this film is all non-diegetic music with some diegetic sounds in the background. the actual actions happening on the screen is not very revealing of the plot either as it just shows animals walking across the plains of a country. Near the end of the scene we see a lion and bird exchange some sort of signals with each other so this may signal that they are some of the more important characters in the film.
This film opening has been made very well because although its just music and animals walking it still makes me want to watch the film. And for Disney to manage to do that then they have done a very good job on making the opening two minutes.

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